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Cross-App Scripting vulnerability in the Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET allows malicious apps to open arbitrary websites within consumer apps that use this library

Open Source



Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET






Vulnerable version:
>=4.48.0, <4.59.1 >=4.60.0, <4.60.3

Fixed version:
4.59.1 4.60.3


The Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET is part of the Microsoft identity platform for developers (formerly named Azure AD) v2.0. It enables developers to acquire security tokens to call protected APIs.
The NTC observed that this library is used by various swiss developers to handle authentication in Android Apps.


The library had an exported activity called AuthenticationAgentActivity. Below the code as of af27ecd350002f21d65ebd2494e59e0296dc4be6:
[Activity(ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.ScreenSize, Exported=true)] internal class AuthenticationAgentActivity : Activity
{ base.OnCreate(bundle); // Create your application here WebView webView = new WebView(this); var relativeLayout = new RelativeLayout(this); webView.LayoutParameters = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MatchParent, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MatchParent); relativeLayout.AddView(webView); SetContentView(relativeLayout); string url = Intent.GetStringExtra("Url"); WebSettings webSettings = webView.Settings; string userAgent = webSettings.UserAgentString; webSettings.UserAgentString = userAgent + BrokerConstants.ClientTlsNotSupported;
webSettings.JavaScriptEnabled = true; webSettings.LoadWithOverviewMode = true; webSettings.DomStorageEnabled = true; webSettings.UseWideViewPort = true; webSettings.BuiltInZoomControls = true;
_client = new CoreWebViewClient(Intent.GetStringExtra("Callback"), this); webView.SetWebViewClient(_client); webView.LoadUrl(url); } [...]

The highlighted portion on top shows that the activity is exported, meaning that it can be invoked by other applications installed on the device . (Not just the consumer of the library). The other highlighted code portion shows that JavaScript is enabled in the web view used for the authentication.

This means that a malicious application running on a customer Android device can (1) inject HTML/JavaScript in an embedded web view exported by affected applications, or (2) cause local denial of service against applications that were built using MSAL.NET for authentication on the same device (i.e., prevent the user of the legitimate application from logging in) due to incorrect activity export configuration.

Proof of Concept

A simple way to demonstrate this vulnerability is to use the following Android Debug Bridge (ADB) command. The same behavior can also be achieved by a malicious app.
adb shell am start -n ch.ntc.exampleapp/crc64ed1888fb4925e3b7.AuthenticationAgentActivity \ --es Url https://ntc.swiss \ --es Callback 1
The image below shows that an app that uses the app using Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET opened the specified page in a webview.
Consumer App vulnerable to Cross-App Scripting due to Vulnerability in MSAL.Net


The vulnerable activity was set to not be exported in 87142a0035e215dc827af7cef5ae7a35964ad86e.


MSAL.NET version 4.60.3 includes the fix. It is recommended that all users of MSAL.NET that are building public client applications for Android update to the latest version.


It is recommended to update to the latest version of MSAL.NET. If that is not possible, a developer may explicitly mark the MSAL.NET activity non-exported:
<activity android:name="microsoft.identity.client.AuthenticationAgentActivity" android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" android:exported="false"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:scheme="msalYOUR_CLIENT_ID" android:host="auth" /> </intent-filter> </activity>


2024-01-30: initial discovery

2024-01-31: first contact to vendor

2024-02-01: private disclosure to vendor

2024-04-15: fix by vendor

2024-04-16: CVE & advisory published by vendor

2024-06-25: public disclosure